Missile Command saves it’s high scores with all names first, then all scores, rather than cycle by name,score,name,score… A few things to note. 3 bytes for name, 3 bytes for score. The score is saved as decimals and in reverse order so 50 69 00 is 006950. In the system I’ve written this I would assign as “dr” for decimal reversed. However the scores themselves are in reverse order with lowest score first, same for the corresponding names.
DFT 7500
DLS 7495
SRC 7330
RDA 7250
MJP 7200
JED 7150
DEW 7005
GJL 6950
Seeing that I was missing a few characters and couldn’t be certain that the all the characters related to ASCII, I loaded up Missile Command and got two new high scores.

Testing a space shows it as 5B which would be after Z in ASCII,